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Adult Education Ministry Update: June 28, 2013

Adult Education Ministry

Learning How to Sing or Pray a Psalm of Joy

During my research on Psalms of Joy for a HeartPaths project and paper I was working on, I came across the following material on Psalm 20:1-6 and included it in my project. I want to share it with you because there are nine amazing promises for you in these six verses – a one-minute prayer that will change your life.

Psalm 20:1-6

In times of trouble, may the Lord respond to your cry!

May the God of Israel keep you safe from all harm!

May He send you help from His sanctuary

and strengthen you from Jerusalem!

May He remember all of your gifts and

look favorably on your offerings.

May He grant you your heart’s desire and

fulfill all your plans!

May we shout with joy when we hear of your

Victory flying banners to honor our God!

May the Lord answer all your prayers!

There are nine amazing promises for you in these six verses – a one-minute prayer that will change your life. Speak it out loud right now and meditate on it today. The Mighty Warrior is waiting and is ready to move Heaven and Earth for you and me; it’s a Heavenly guarantee. These words poured from the heart of a terrified young man named David, and they changed his destiny. Since the time of David, these six verses have been prayed over Israeli leaders and before battles. Scholars believed this prayer was part of public worship in the early church.

One word from God can change your life forever!

Find a Psalm that resonates with joy in your heart – an act of faith on your part – and in prayerful attitude, it can trigger a heavenly response. God knows our name and our need without our speaking it. He knows your faith and your need. Speak or sing that Psalm and release your faith and claim these promises.

We each have a choice – to walk in fear and self-pity or to walk in faith and hope. You have probably already read the Psalms in your Bible, but do you feel the joy, the blessings available to you in many of the Psalms? Find the list that points out the joyous Psalms and get started reading and singing the Psalms that give you joy in your heart.

The reason David killed his Goliath was that David’s faith was greater than Israel’s fear. It’s time to trust Him (God) rather than our human reasoning. When you find a comforting Psalm and speak or sing it… help is on the way – emotionally, spiritually, financially, legally, socially, physically – God can do whatever you need. Rather than allowing the problem to define you, let God define you. One promise alive in your heart and your mouth will provide provision in the midst of your predicament or circumstance.

If you don’t remember anything else, focus on the Psalm above and remember:

One promise alive in your heart and your mouth will provide provision in the midst of your predicament or circumstance. Find a couple of Psalms you can sing from your heart with joy!

~ Sherry

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.