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Carter BloodCare Blood Drive: Sunday, March 16, 2014

Because We Care
Carter BloodCare Says:

Carter BloodCarePotluck Lunch and Blood Drive
March 16, 2014, Sunday
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Chapel Hill UMC Parking Lot

Mark your calendar for our March Carter BloodCare Blood Drive and look for the Blood Drive sign-up sheet in the foyer. If you have any questions about being a donor, just email Iris Shivar or call her at (214) 597-5325.

Our goal is 20 donors. We’re half-way there!

Now is the time to choose the time to give. Remember, each time someone gives the gift of life, three lives are saved.

Those who are over 18, and 16 years old with written parental consent, are eligible to donate blood.

John Wesley says, “Do all the good you can.” Most importantly, Jesus says, “Love one another,” John 13: 34. What a wonderful way to show our love for others!

Many thanks,
Iris Shivar,
Outreach Blood Drive coordinator

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.