Roman 12:4-6 states: “For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, as we, who are one body in Christ, and individually we are members of one another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us.”
The question then is what is a Lay Leader? Based on the above scripture, it is actually all of us working together. The Methodist Church designates a person to act as Lay Leader and I am honored to presently hold that position. What an awesome responsibility. I checked with the Methodist Book of Discipline and also referred to an article I wrote in 1999 citing guidelines for leading your congregation. I would like to share some of those ideas. Being other-focused rather than self-focused, being a servant leader, listening to others as well as to God, building trust, being accountable and seeking a spirit of community are some of the duties listed. These are great guidelines for all of us. It is very important that the Lay Leader works with the pastor and staff so together they can vision, plan and share opportunities for ministry that will involve the WHOLE congregation in community outreach. It also includes attending the various meetings and planning Laity Sunday.
I am honored to presently hold that position of Lay Leader for this year. To have people trust me with their joys and concerns and to pray with them as one body in Christ is a tremendous responsibility and I do not take it lightly. As members of Chapel Hill, pray for me as I will pray for you. And please feel free to contact me if I can help you personally or you know someone who is in need and also to share your joys and celebrations. As disciples of Christ, remember this quote: “All God’s people in all places and in all times are called to love and to serve.” I hope to see each of you on Laity Sunday, October 25, 2020.
Margaret Young
Lay Leader