Our friends at Oak Lawn UMC have reached out to us for help to provide shelter for neighbors who experience housing and food insecurity. Under normal circumstances, OLUMC uses its building to provide overnight shelter and meals when temperatures drop below freezing. Unfortunately, with the pandemic this is no longer feasible. The work around to this is that they are fundraising money to provide hotel rooms for these men and women at $75/night. The Center for Missional Outreach of the North Texas UMC Conference is generously matching up to $50,000, which is half of their total goal of $100,000 to provide enough rooms for the estimated numbers this season.
What can we do to help?
- If you are able, please donate at olumc.org/shelter. This is also where you can find more information about the work they are doing.
- Have friends in other UMC’s? Share Oak Lawn UMC’s Facebook posts page with them and ask if their community could help!