Welcome to Chapel Hill UMC in Farmers Branch , TX
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
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Did You Know? – Leonardo Haro

Once again, God has blessed us with a staff member to walk with us in our ministry of discipleship. Leonardo (Leo) Haro joined our staff in September as our Family Life and Minister of Community Involvement. Leo is married and has two daughters, ages 11 and 14. He presently lives in Grand Prairie

but will soon move to Arlington where he is in the process of closing this month. He was raised in El Paso. He went to Lydia Patterson, an affiliate of the United Methodist Church, before graduating from college. Although he has not taught Sunday School, both he and his wife are teachers. His hobbies are reading, music and spending time with his family. He also loves sports and presently is on a soccer team.

Much of Leo’s time will be spent reaching out to our community and getting to know our neighbors in Farmers Branch so that we may share our faith in a meaningful way. Already he has met with the principal of Chapel Hill Preparatory School. He has joined the Farmers Branch Recreation Center and found a barber, seeing that as an opportunity to become more connected to the community. Wow, he is wasting no time in being a part of Farmers Branch and Chapel Hill. He has spent time touring Farmers Branch to help him better understand our demographics.

Not all of his time has been outside the church. He has been diligently working with our children in preparation for Children’s Sabbath which went so well on Sunday, October 24. He involved every child with a part of the service which warmed everyone’s heart. One of the highlights was that a new family with four children joined Chapel Hill during that time. He plans to stay in contact with all of the children and their parents to make a more cohesive group. One of the surprises of that service was that he not only plays the guitar but has a beautiful voice and is an excellent preacher. We are indeed blessed to have Leo as our family life leader.

One of his goals is “to have a deeper connection with the church (leaders, committees, staff, etc.) to fully embrace the vision and feel the church’s heartbeat; that way I’ll be able to be more effective and can assist the church in reaching its goals”.

Take time next time you see Leo to introduce yourself and tell him thank you for the work he is doing.

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.