Well, our first snowpocalypse in several years is upon us. I do not know about you but I love the snow and the cold. I am sure that is because it is so infrequent here that it can be encountered as a fun change. I hear that living through the winter up north is quite brutal. But, hey, I look out at the snow covering the ground right now and am thankful for such a beautiful sight.
I am also thankful that, thanks to technology, we could still lead worship from home for our Chapel Hill family yesterday. The Zoom platform allowed your worship leaders to gather online and livestream worship from our living rooms. In a normal year, we probably would just take a snow day regardless of the technology. But we have faced so much isolation over the past year, it seemed prudent to utilize the tools we now have to gather in the way we were able to yesterday. If you did not join with us live yesterday, you can still participate in yesterday’s worship on our Chapel Hill United Methodist Church Facebook page or on our YouTube channel, CHUMC FarmersBranch.
Lent is upon us and, as you may have heard me say yesterday, we will not be able to gather outside. Sorry, I know you would love to be in the snow. Instead, your worship leaders will once again gather on Zoom and livestream like we did this past Sunday.
This coming Sunday, the roads should be clear meaning we can proceed as planned to return to the campus for in-person worship. We look forward to seeing those who can join us and will continue to livestream for all those who cannot. Be sure and review the protocols that were emailed to you last week as they are vital to our safe return.
This Lenten Season, we will be Embracing the Journey through Lent to new life and oneness in our personal lives, in our church lives, and our communal lives with all our neighbors and all creation. As we begin the onward, continuing journey beyond the pandemic and the division and political discord of the past year, let us dive in to connecting more deeply with the Triune God and seek where we are being led. What newness does God have for us to be a blessing to others all around us? How can we spread the love, peace, and justice spoken of when Jesus proclaims, “The Reign of God is at hand,” and calls us to follow? What is in store for CHUMC in this era of our life?
I invite us all to come together online or in person to discern the answers to these questions this Lenten season.
Grace and peace,
Rev. J.D. Allen
Senior Pastor