Why The Bible Year in 2022?
That’s a good question. First, I would encourage you to consider the means of grace, the promised means that, when practiced, we are assured to receive God’s prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace. Ever since the invention of the printing press, searching the scriptures has become a more prominent means of grace as we have access to scripture as much as we do prayer.
Second, as the means of grace function not only individually, but also communally, searching the scriptures together is a means of connecting with God’s grace together. It is a means of connecting spiritually together in a way we were unable to during this pandemic we remain in at this time.
Third, Matt Rawle points out in A Heart That Grew Three Sizes that Herod had to consult with his scribes to know where the Messiah could be found. We have the opportunity today to continually search the scriptures and have them point us to God and God’s Word in the person of Jesus.
Finally, we are best equipped to interpret the scriptures in light of the person of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit when we are familiar with the entire narrative of our holy book. And we are never too young or old to commit to such a practice. We may not apply every jot and tittle of the scriptures literally, but knowing the narratives can help prepare us when the Holy Spirit is leading us in unexpected or uncomfortable ways.
So I hope you will sign up at the church or email me at pastor@chapelhillumc.org to let me know you would like to participate. As mentioned before, there is a devotional book we can order for you and we will, hopefully, have enough people sign up that we can form small groups to search and discuss the scriptures together.
Grace and peace,
Rev. J.D. Allen
Senior Pastor