In our Church Council meetings in 2022, we are undergoing a process of discernment as we seek where God is leading as we emerge from the pandemic of the last two years. This process will help inform how we make disciples for the transformation of the world. How we re-engage one another and our community as we live out and share God’s love.
In March, we worked from a brainstormed list of values from our Advance meeting in February and sought to pare them down to three or four foundational values that define the heart of our local church. The values your council arrived at were:
- Nurturing our members
- Outreach to the community
- Accepting others
- Meaningful worship
These values will help inform us as we craft how we come together and plan to share the love of God in the coming days and years. Whether we do things Chapel Hill did in the past or enact new initiatives, these foundational values will give us a strong foundation on which to build the future God gives us.
Grace and peace,
Rev. J.D. Allen