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Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
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Cookson Hills Adult Mission Trip a Huge Sucess!

Our Mission Team of six enjoyed the first few weeks of fall by taking a road trip up to Cookson Hills Center in Cookson, Oklahoma a few weekends ago. We had a great time and were so helpful to their ministry by cleaning house! We spent most of Saturday dusting, vacuuming and cleaning their personnel offices and staff areas (which by the way have not been attended to in years); we repaired the sheet rock in a work bathroom and cleaned it (it was filthy); took down two fences and removed a huge and very heavy sign for their newly purchased office building.

We were a HUGE blessing to them!

We also enjoyed the gorgeous area by taking time to visit several lakeside parks and experience God’s beautiful creation. We fellowshipped and worshipped with the members of a tiny local church on Sunday morning. The fall leaves had just started turning colors and our drive back on Sunday was delightful! We had so much fun and have already decided upon a date again for next year, Columbus Day Weekend 2013 (Friday, Oct 11 – Mon. Oct 14, 2013), so mark your calendars!!! On this trip next year, we plan to take more time to enjoy the beautiful area and hike, camp out, kayak, or maybe even fish! Come and join in our ministry with those in need! Feel free to ask us about our experience! Members present:

Kelly, Heidi , Judy, Sammy, Mel, and Lee ~Your Outreach Team

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.