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Children’s Corner Update: August 16, 2013

Children's Corner with Dawn Self

Vacation Bible School

Chapel Hill UMC Children's VBS 2013Vacation Bible School has begun!

I have to start with the thank yous to all the people who have helped and are helping.

Our adult VBS week was filled with blowing up balloons, cutting crosses out of cereal boxes, and a wonderful interactive Bible Study each morning with Pastor Mai, Sherry and Iris.

Our children’s VBS is full of fun interactive storytelling, singing, good food, and excellent adult and youth volunteers. We are learning all about how God wants us to treat our neighbors and who our neighbors are.

I see a lot of smiles on the adults and I know that what we do isn’t just for the kids.

Snippet from Worship

If you heard the children’s sermon last Sunday, then you saw the kids putting things in a basket that go into our “purse that will not wear out” from Luke 12:33-34.

All of the things that we put in that basket are things that Chapel Hill does through our programs for children.

We teach underperforming children to read and we feed hungry children through Project Transformation. We bring children to the Lord through Bible study not only at VBS, but also in Sunday School, Sunday Worship, special events and Project Transformation.

These are just some of the things that this church does for the Lord that help our neighborhood to prosper and grow. These are the things that no one can take away. These are the things we take to heaven with us.

During Message Experience, the kids named their own treasures. They are inspired and learning from us. They want to help habitat for humanity, feed hungry people and love the unloved. Wow! They are paying attention and you are their teachers.

~ Dawn Self, Children’s Director

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.