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From Pastor Mai Le: August 30, 2013

Rev. Mai Le

Hello Chapel Hill,

Beginning this week, most schools in the United States will be back in session and after this Labor Day weekend, summer vacation will be largely over.

In the meantime, the church calendar continues what is called “Ordinary Time.” “Ordinary Time” does not mean “ho-hum” time, but a time of continued learning and growth to be disciples of Jesus Christ. The green color of the stole I wear each Sunday symbolizes growth, like the abundant growth of green leaves during the growing season. Therefore, it’s time for me to share with you my thoughts on Christian Education and Adult Bible Study.

There is no other way to say this without making it sound overly serious but studying Scripture is a Christian duty. Although God reveals himself to us through nature and through our dreams, our conscience, and through many other means, much of our knowledge of God is revealed through the Bible and through Jesus Christ himself, the Word made flesh. Because God loves us and wants to make Himself known to us, God first called upon the people of Israel to study the Torah and to ensure that their children were taught Scripture at a very young age. Furthermore, when Jesus ordered his disciples to baptize and to teach others, the early church also passed on this teaching through the Old Testament and through the Gospels and the letters of the New Testament.

I have talked to Sherry Vineyard about Adult Education at Chapel Hill and am now working on putting in place a series of classes for the Fall. There is a wide range of possibilities contingent on the various needs of the church including a new Sunday class, classes for couples and for families, or in depth Bible Study. To be honest, I have not yet finalized my thoughts on which classes we will offer but I would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone to become engaged in this process and provide me with feedback on what type of classes you feel would most benefit the church. More details will be given in the next couple of weeks but in the meantime, if there are particular subjects that you want us to offer, please talk with me to provide me with your input.

I hope you have a good Labor Day weekend. See you at church this Sunday.

~ Mai

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.