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How we can help the folks in West, Texas: April 26, 3013

Dear ChapelHillians,

It was announced in worship this past Sunday, April 21st, that you may send your gift to help the people of West, Texas to the address below. I am sharing Rev. Dr. Larry George’s letter to us and encourage you to send a gift along with a prayer for recovery and healing of the spirits of our friends in Christ in West. We will not be taking a special offering, but I simply ask each of you to give as your heart leads.

Pastor JoNell

Letter from The Rev. Dr. Larry George


Bishop McKee has been in continual contact with Bishop Lowery to see how the North Texas Conference can offer the most helpful and appropriate support to the Central Texas Conference town of West, following the catastrophic explosion there.

Bishop Lowry has expressed profound gratitude for the outpouring of concern and has noted that, while there will be additional opportunities “to live out our faith-based hope through generosity of spirit, time, and resources” in the long-term recovery efforts in the weeks and months ahead, the immediate need is for financial assistance.

Therefore, Bishop McKee is inviting North Texas congregations to receive a special offering for disaster relief in West. Checks should be made payable to the North Texas Conference, marked for “City of West,” and sent to:

The Center for Connectional Resources
Attention: West Disaster Response
P.O. Box 866128
Plano, Texas 75086

Thank you for the constancy of your prayers and the generosity of your gifts for our sisters and brothers in the devastated community of West.

Larry George

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.