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Vacation Bible School Update: August 23, 2013

Vacation Bible School 2013Last week, we had a spectacular time with Everywhere Fun Fair Vacation Bible School. We studied five scripture lessons about hospitality. We learned that being a good neighbor according to the Bible means, being friendly, giving, bold, forgiving and welcoming.

On the first night, we learned about Sarah and Abraham welcoming the visitors. God used those visitors to tell them of a blessing; what do you think would have happened if they had not welcomed them and fed them?

In the Bible Storytelling Room, we watched skits of Bible stories and talked about what that means for our lives.

In the Craft Room, we made projects from the different cultures that we studied and learned about how our neighbors in other countries are welcoming.

In Discovery Lab, we learned real science concepts that represent God’s lessons for our lives.

In Recreation, we learned cultural games and worked on memorizing the Bible lessons.

At dinner, we sampled foods from other countries, in a way that was familiar yet educational. By serving food the kids are familiar with like fish sticks or hot dogs, but relating it to common meals from each country, we opened up thoughts about how similar we are to our neighbors around the world.

During music and skits, we were entertained and inspired as well as educated about God’s message for how to treat our neighbors.

We finished up on the last night by releasing Sky Lanterns. This was amazing and awe inspiring and a beautiful way to end the week.

Thank you to everyone who participated. You may have blown up balloons, donated money, sanded block houses, shepherded children, planned lessons, acted in a skit, checked off kids at the registration table, cooked a meal or brought a neighbor child to the program… We need all of your different talents to provide such a wonderful experience for the children. Thanks to the three youth that painted and assembled the wooden ticket booth. Thanks to those that donated to our decorations and materials: Schreiber UMC, Christ UMC Plano, Vista Ridge UMC, North Park Presbyterian, and Brookhaven College.

If you missed out on Vacation Bible School or would like a refresher; look up these verses and let God’s word speak to you: Genesis 18:1-14 Sarah and Abraham Welcome the Visitors, 1 Kings 17:7-16 A Widow Gives Cheerfully, Luke 10:25-37 Good Samaritan: A Bold Neighbor, Luke 19:1-10 Jesus Forgives Zacchaeus, and Acts 10:1-43 God Welcomes Everyone.

I hope you enjoyed being part of VBS this year and will think about how you’d like to participate next year. Our theme will be Workshop of Wonders. There will be surveys available this week that you may fill out to improve our VBS for the future.

Dawn Self
Chapel Hill Children’s Director

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.