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August 2014: Outreach Update

After the big Garage Sale in June, everyone on the Outreach Team paused to take a big breath…and now we’re back. As with many projects, there is usually some clean-up involved afterwards. So this is an update on some of the recent Outreach projects.


  • Books for Cabell – We got our books for the Cabell Elementary students from Half Price Books. After sorting and choosing carefully, we delivered over 600 books to Cabell so that each student had one to take home for the summer. There were several books left over. These books were given to Project Transformation. PT tries to give each of the children in the program 2-3 books that they can keep. They needed some more books and we had them to share.
  • Garage Sale – On the day of the Garage Sale, we arranged for the truck from Metrocrest Resale Shop to come pick up our leftovers. However, because we were their last stop for the day, they didn’t have room for everything. The additional clothes and some furniture were ultimately picked up by the Metrocrest truck later. They were very pleased to get all of our donations. We also had donated books and record albums left over after the Garage Sale. These were taken and sold to Half Price Books. That added over $100 to our profits. The final total for the Garage Sale was $2,725.16! All of the profit went to the general budget.
  • Sack Summer Hunger – The response and participation this summer has been terrific. Thank you to everyone who came to the Metrocrest warehouse at 7:00 am on a Saturday morning and worked on this important community outreach. If you missed it and wanted to participate, there is always next summer!

The Outreach Team could not accomplish what they do without the firm and consistent support of this generous congregation. Please know that every time you contribute to a communion offering, bring items for the Monthly Outreach Project, or volunteer at Metrocrest, The Bridge or Sack Summer Hunger, you are truly the Christ’s hands and feet in this world.

God Bless You!
The Outreach Team

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.