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Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
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December 16, 2014: Note from the Holy Conversations Team

cross on boat

Greetings Church Family

As most of you know, Pastor Mai has called a Planning Committee to help determine a new direction for Chapel Hill that will keep us remain vital and thriving far into the future. To be honest, we have struggled with the process. We have now commissioned a guide, John Thornburg, from the Methodist Foundation, who first introduced us to the book Holy Conversations last year. We met with him on Sunday and already feel much more energized and better aimed toward the hard work ahead. Expect to be asked for your feedback and involvement and to hear a lot more from us in the next 5 or 6 months as we kick-start the action!

First thing we’d like is your active participation in is this endeavor.

Pray for this team. Chapel Hill faces critical challenges. With Gods help, we seek to find:

  1. The vital intersection between the opportunities/needs of our community and our own gifts, talents, hopes and dreams.
  2. Who are our neighbors?
  3. What is breaking God’s heart in our community?
  4. What do we have to bring to the table and how are we limited?

Church, we can’t do this work without actively engaging God, and we can’t do it without participation from you, the body of the church. We have many of the same fears and concerns that you may share. But, we also have a deep well of hopes and dreams for this congregation, and we all believe it’s worth the effort to keep seeking ways continue to do God’s work as a church.

To truly reflect the spirit of this effort, we decide to change the name of our committee and give it a logo (we’re working on it). When you pray for the work we are undertaking for Chapel Hill, please pray for your Holy Conversations Team. Participating in the Holy Conversations is the work we are about, work that can reveal the path ahead for CHUMC. When we have the logo ready, we will share it with you; so that when you see the name and the logo, you’ll know it’s a message from your team. Please send up a prayer right then!

The team members are: Margaret Young, Bitsy Laney, Tom Woolridge, Andrea Rains, Kelly Patterson, Lee Willhite, Melanie Willhite, Howard Stansell and Mai Le. Expect to hear from us much more regularly, and feel free to talk with any of us if you have questions, concerns or ideas.

That’s all for now. We have more to tell you next week as we continue our conversation. It’ll be about a fun homework project that you can do with your class or your team.

– Holy Conversations Team

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.