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Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
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March 28, 2014: Did you Know? Craig Davis

If you sit on the right side at the front of the sanctuary, you will almost always see Craig Davis there with his two children Madeleine and Mitchell. He is a single father who knows the importance of bringing up his children in a church environment. It has been fun watching Madeleine, age 12 and Mitchell age 8 grow into such beautiful children. Madeleine has joined the youth group and serves as an acolyte.

He grew up in Farmers Branch and attended Webb Chapel UMC from birth until age 16. He now lives in The Colony. He joined Chapel Hill in 1998 after finding us in a phone book listing, before Google and the Website. He is presently on Children’s Council for the third year. He also served on Staff/Parish Relations in 2005-6. He helps with the Children’s Choir when needed since both of his kids have been actively involved in our music program. Although he has never taught Sunday School, he is currently a member of the Lost and Found Sunday School Class in the early session. He works in Mortgage Technology.

As you can imagine, raising two young children leaves little time for hobbies. Most of his time is spent with kids, attending kid activities, with friends and church involvement. Chapel Hill is so blessed to have Craig and his children as part of our extended family. It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child and we are glad you chose Chapel Hill to be part of that village. Take time to get to know Craig a little better; you will be glad you did.

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.