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May 2, 2014: Did You Know? Laurie Adams Peake

Laurie Adams Peake was from Ft. Worth before moving to Farmers Branch. She is married to Dr. Stuart Peake. She has one son—Shaun, 21 years old—who is in college studying finance at UT Austin. He is an Eagle Scout, and she was an adult Boy Scout Leader during his years as a Boy Scout. She found Chapel Hill by way of Bart and Ann Smith who pastored her Methodist Church in DeSoto where she lived with her first husband who passed away in 1998. Around 2005 or 2006 she ran into them at the Historical Park in Farmers Branch, and they invited her to Chapel Hill where Bart was the pastor. She joined shortly after that.

She has taught children’s Sunday school and is an active member of Class Menagerie. She has been involved in many committees including evangelism and worship. She serves as an usher and a greeter, has subbed for Sunday School, and participates in Project Transformation. She also has helped with Children’s Christmas Workshop.

Laurie worked in Advertising Design. She has many hobbies including flying, dressage, jumping, painting, skiing (snow and water), and jewelry (silversmithing, stone polishing and cutting). As a pilot, she is currently working on her complex engine and instrument ratings. She loves astronomy and is a former member of the Texas Astronomical Society. She is a National Weather Service-trained Storm Spotter. She is an alumnus of Alpha Delta Phi, the same sorority as Jan Wooldridge.

Chapel Hill is blessed to have such a caring, giving and sharing Disciple of Christ. Take time to say hi and thank her for all she does as a member of our extended family.

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.