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Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
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April 20, 2015: Youth News


$20 to flamingo someone, $10 gets flamingos out of your yard and retaliate and $40 buys you insurance.

flamingo Flamingos begin today, April 20, 2015, and will run through Sunday, May 10, 2015. If you would like to get a head start and flamingo someone, you may come by the church office at any time Monday or Wednesday, and let me know who to send it to. Flamingos will be picked up each Sunday during our UMYF time, and be delivered to whomever you want. If you cannot make it to the church on Monday or Wednesday, but would like to participate, there will be a table set outside the church office on Sunday morning, and you may make a purchase then.

Proceeds from this fundraiser will be going towards our summer mission trip to the Lydia Patterson Institute in El Paso, Texas, during the week of June 7-13, 2015. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Thank you for helping the youth of our church.

I would also like to give a long overdue shout-out to Brayson Romine for a job well done on his Eagle Scout Project a few weeks ago. Brayson and a small group of volunteers worked very hard over the course of two weekends to remove the fence that was standing by the entrance to the church, clear out the brush, and come back with mulch, and plant flowers and plants to help make the entrance to the church a lot more pleasing to the eye. He then placed two benches in the area to be used as seating. Job well done, Brayson!

– Bodie


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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.