CHUMC Family,
First, I wish to apologize for the difficulties we had with the livestream yesterday. Some technical difficulties arose that prevented us from streaming until very late in the service. A larger portion of the service was captured on a phone yesterday and we are working on getting that posted on Monday.
Next, I want to reflect on what we experienced yesterday:
Will you nurture these children
in Christ’s holy Church,
that by your teaching and example they may be guided
to accept God’s grace for themselves,
to profess their faith openly, and to lead a Christian life?
I will.
Will you nurture one another in the Christian faith and life
and include these persons now before you in your care?
With God’s help we will proclaim the good news
and live according to the example of Christ.
We will surround these persons
with a community of love and forgiveness,
that they may grow in their trust of God,
and be found faithful in their service to others.
We will pray for them,
that they may be true disciples
who walk in the way that leads to life.
The above text is a part of the baptismal covenant we make to children, especially, and to all persons who are baptized, when they are baptized. In the recital of this covenant, we all commit to be a part of any child’s upbringing in faith and discipleship in our local church. You showed this commitment to the covenant in your support for the children to attend summer camp together this Summer as you purchased stock in our children’s discipleship and got to hear from the children yesterday in our luncheon about the great time they had, how they loved participating in worship, and about learning that they are children of God. Your investment truly paid off.
Thank you.
I also want to thank Melanie Willhite and her mom, as well as Tom Wooldridge, our CHUMC kids, and anyone else who participated in making the luncheon happen. It was a wonderful time in both worship as we heard from the kids through music and in the luncheon as the children personally shared their stories with us.
We look forward to continuing the commitment we have made with our children as our nursery workers and volunteers continue to share the love with Christ with every chance they get. And we continue our search for a new minister of families who will help direct this ministry and commitment to our covenant in our ministries to both our children and our youth.
Grace and peace,
Rev. J.D. Allen