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Chapel Hill United Methodist Church North Texas Annual Conference 2019 Report

The slate of delegates for the next General conference and Jurisdictional Conference was elected.

The following One Church resolution was passed:

WHEREAS the One Church Plan provides a generous unity that gives conferences, churches, and pastors the flexibility to uniquely reach their missional context without disbanding the connectional nature of the United Methodist Church and

WHEREAS in the One Church Plan, no annual conferences, bishops, congregations, or pastors are compelled to act contrary to their convictions and

WHEREAS the plan grants space for traditionalists to continue to offer ministry as they have in the past, space for progressives to exercise freely a more complete ministry with LGBTQ persons; and space for all United Methodists to continue to coexist without disrupting their ministries and

WHEREAS the One Church Plan removes the language from The Book of Discipline used in the United States that restricts pastors and churches from conducting same-sex weddings and annual conference from ordaining self-avowed practicing homosexual persons. It adds language that intentionally protects the religious freedom of pastors and churches who choose not to perform or host same-sex weddings and Boards of Ordained Ministry and bishops who choose not to credential or ordain self-avowed practicing homosexual persons.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that as people of the North Texas Conference we aspire to behave as One Church Congregations and Conference.

We will pray for one another
We will allow for contextual ministry and pastoral care and not impede the work of others in ministry
We will seek to find common ground and actively be in ministry with people who are different from us
We will not speak ill of one another and will model that all people are of sacred worth

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.