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Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
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January M.O.P. – Souper Bowl of Caring

In conjunction with the youth of Chapell Hill UMC we will be donating canned food items for our January M.O.P. as a part of a nationwide youth-led movement called the Souper Bowl of Caring.

Here is a list of items in need:

• Canned beans (pinto, black, etc)
• Canned vegetables (no green beans please)
• Canned fruit or juice
• Canned meat or chili
• Canned pasta with meat sauce
• Canned tomato sauce or diced tomatoes
• Canned soup
• Canned tuna, salmon, chicken or seafood
• Monetary donations $$$

Our youth are on a mission this 2012 to make a difference in their world around them!

The youth will be selecting the worthy charity that will receive our donations. Quarterback or kicker, we all have a role to play as part of Chapel Hill’s Souper Bowl team in spreading God’s love to those in need.

The youth will be present to take your donations after church on Sunday, January 22 through Super Bowl Sunday, February 5. Please be a part of this movement and support our youth’s efforts to make a difference in 2012!

Thank you Chapel Hill!

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I wish above all things that you may know how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.